CureVac's COVID-19 vaccine triggers immune response in Phase 1 trial
05 November, 2020
CureVac's experimental COVID-19 vaccine triggered...COVID-19
COVID-19 tests should play bigger role in international travel: WHO Expert
05 November, 2020
COVID-19 tests should be more widely used in international travel than quarantine...COVID-19
Studies: Mortality in COVID-19
05 November, 2020
Decline in mortality rates...COVID-19
Guidance on rapid antigen testing for COVID-19
04 November, 2020
Several "rapid antigen" tests for COVID-19 are being used...COVID-19
Liverpool to trial mass COVID-19 testing
United Kingdom // 04 November, 2020
Liverpool will undergo the first trial of whole city testing in England....COVID-19
Travellers to New York must test negative for COVID before entry
United States // 04 November, 2020
From 4 November 2020 travellers need to show a negative COVID-19 test for entry....COVID-19
Study determines true asymptomatic COVID rate
04 November, 2020
An study has reviewed asymptomatic COVID cases and found...COVID-19
Aprotinin reduces replication of SARS-CoV-2
03 November, 2020
Aprotinin aerosol treatment to prevent COVID-19 progression...COVID-19
United trials rapid COVID tests for New York-London route
03 November, 2020
Media reports that United Airlines will test the utility of rapid coronavirus testing on flights...COVID-19
Fourth day of zero cases in Melbourne
Australia // 03 November, 2020
Fourth day of zero COVID -19 cases in...COVID-19
CDC panel takes on COVID vaccine rollout, risks, and side effects
03 November, 2020
There are two main decisions that ACIP would have to make when any COVID-19 vaccine is authorized for use...COVID-19
UK begins “rolling reviews” of COVID-19 vaccines
United Kingdom // 03 November, 2020
Media reports that the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency has begun...COVID-19
Possible correlation between air pollution and COVID-19 mortality
03 November, 2020
Long term exposure to air pollution may have an effect on COVID-19 associated fatality...COVID-19, Air Pollution
Countrywide testing for COVID-19
Slovakia // 02 November, 2020
Mass testing of the population reveals around 1% infected...COVID-19
CDC: pregnancy a risk factor for severe COVID-19 infections and premature birth
02 November, 2020
Pregnant people with COVID-19 may...COVID-19
Will leading vaccines induce sterilising immunity?
02 November, 2020
Discussion on COVID-19 vaccines and immunity...COVID-19
Adverse reactions after seasonal flu shots being monitored; use resumed in Singapore
South Korea // Singapore // 02 November, 2020
The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are strengthening surveillance in response to reports of adverse reactions, including several fatalities, after receiving seasonal flu vaccination. In Singapore, although there have been no fatalities, the MOH had temporarily halted the use of 2 brands of flu vaccine...Seasonal Flu
Transmissibility of COVID-19 and age
02 November, 2020
A study has drawn a comparison between the susceptibility to COVID-19 infection in children under 10 years old, adults over 60 years versus younger/middle aged adults...COVID-19
Modelling study suggests masks can reduce the number of deaths from COVID-19
United States // 01 November, 2020
Researchers analysed the effects of mask use and social distancing ...COVID-19
"What's the germiest surface in a supermarket?"
Canada // 01 November, 2020
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation tested surfaces in supermarkets in Toronto ...COVID-19