Search Results

  • Flu cases in Yangon

    Myanmar // 20 June, 2019

    Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 "swine flu"

  • Ebola updates 10 to 16 June

    Congo DRC // 16 June, 2019

    Updates from the Ministry of Health, World Health Organization and more...


  • WHO Flu Update 10 June

    Australia // New Zealand // South Africa // New Caledonia // Chile // Argentina // Brazil // Paraguay // Uruguay // Kenya // Madagascar // Cambodia // Bangladesh // Cuba // Costa Rica // Saudi Arabia // China // South Korea // Hong Kong (China SAR) // 11 June, 2019

    A new WHO flu update has been released with data to 26 May...

    Seasonal Flu

  • Bird flu outbreaks 6 to 12 March

    Nepal // Czech Republic // Taiwan (China) // Ireland // Russia // Romania // United States // Malaysia // Poland // Austria // Vietnam // Slovakia // France // Germany // 13 March, 2017

    The spread of a variety of bird flu strains affecting poultry and wild birds continues. The following outbreaks have been reported by either the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) or national authorities this week...

    Influenza H5N8, Bird flu other strains, Bird flu H5N1, Influenza H5N2, Influenza H5N6, Bird flu H7N9

  • WHO flu update 24 June 2019

    Australia // New Zealand // New Caledonia // South Africa // Chile // Paraguay // Argentina // Brazil // Uruguay // Costa Rica // Guinea // Madagascar // Cuba // 27 June, 2019

    The latest WHO flu update has been released with data to 9 June.

    Seasonal Flu

  • H5N1 outbreak in poultry

    Nepal // 27 June, 2019

    The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) has been notified of two outbreaks of...

    Bird flu H5N1, Bird flu other strains

  • WHO influenza at the human-animal interface summary dated 24 June 2019

    United States // 28 June, 2019

    The World Health Organization has published their latest risk assessment for influenza...

    Seasonal Flu

  • Panel decides Ebola not a public health emergency of international concern

    Congo DRC // Uganda // 14 June, 2019


  • Ebola Updates 24 to 30 June

    Congo DRC // 30 June, 2019

    Daily updates from the Ministry of Health, World Health Organization and other sources...


  • New strain of H5N1 identified in birds

    Bangladesh // 11 June, 2019

    A new strain of H5N1 has been identified in birds in Bangladesh...

    Bird flu H5N1

  • Cases of Ebola linked to outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo

    Uganda // Congo DRC // 05 July, 2019

    Ebola cases have been confirmed in a family who travelled to Kasese district from DRC...


  • WHO MERS Update May 2019

    Saudi Arabia // 18 June, 2019

    According to The World Health Organization’s (WHO) monthly MERS situation update for May, there were a total of 14 laboratory confirmed cases of MERS reported globally


  • Surge in flu activity

    Japan // 27 January, 2019

    Japan is experiencing a spike in the number flu cases across the country...

    Seasonal Flu, Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 "swine flu"

  • MERS-CoV cases January 2019

    Saudi Arabia // 31 January, 2019

    The following cases have been reported by the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health in January:


  • H5N6 in birds

    China // 04 June, 2019

    The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) has confirmed an outbreak of...

    Influenza H5N6, Bird flu other strains

  • WHO monthly summary of animal flu among humans

    China // 28 January, 2019

    More information on the bird flu case from Guangdong, China. No other new cases.

    Influenza H9N2, Bird flu other strains

  • Ebola updates 28 January to 3 February

    Congo DRC // 04 February, 2019

    Daily updates from the Ministry of Health


  • WHO Ebola situation report 26

    Congo DRC // 30 January, 2019


  • WHO Ebola situation update 25

    Congo DRC // 24 January, 2019

    The World Health Organization (WHO) in their 25th Ebola situation update reported that...


  • human case of bird flu H9N2 in Guangdong

    China // 28 January, 2019

    A human case of H9N2 avian influenza has been reported in China.

    Influenza H9N2, Bird flu other strains