CDC: fully vaccinated people do not need to quarantine after exposure
United States // 11 February, 2021
People who have been fully vaccinated within the previous three months...COVID-19
Dog with COVID-19
Hong Kong (China SAR) // 10 February, 2021
A pet dog has the virus...COVID-19
CDC: double mask, adjust fit to make them more effective
10 February, 2021
WHO recommends use of Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine for all ages
10 February, 2021
Including those above 65 years of age...COVID-19
NERVTAG identified 2 new variants in England
United Kingdom // 10 February, 2021
One Variant Under Investigation and one Variant of Concern...COVID-19
breastfeeding ok with mild to moderate COVID-19 infection
10 February, 2021
A study published in mBio gave additional support for the continuation of breastfeeding for mothers with mild to moderate COVID-19 infections.COVID-19
Athens in full lock-down
Greece // 10 February, 2021
After a recent surge in COVID-19 cases, the capital of Athens and the surrounding region is in full lockdownCOVID-19
ECDC report on infection prevention and control in healthcare settings (sixth update)
09 February, 2021
To minimise COVID-19 transmission and prevevnt further outbreaks...COVID-19
WHO says COVID-19 unlikely to have leaked from a lab in China
China // 09 February, 2021
More work is needed to identify the source of the virus...COVID-19
Delhi reports no COVID-19-related deaths
India // 09 February, 2021
For the first time in 10 months...COVID-19
Traces of SARS-CoV-2 in bats in Thailand, study
09 February, 2021
Geographic distribution extended to over 4,800 km...COVID-19
CanSino vaccine is 65.7% effective
09 February, 2021
Media reports that the CanSinoBIO vaccine is 65.7% effective at...COVID-19
COVAX statement on variants and AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine
08 February, 2021
The WHO group met to discuss variants and vaccinations...COVID-19
Study: Tight cultures appear to survive pandemic better
08 February, 2021
Countries with tighter social norms may have fared better than the socially permissive nationsCOVID-19
Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccine gives minimal protection against mild COVID-19 infection from B.1.351 variant
South Africa // United Kingdom // 07 February, 2021
Those with moderate to severe disease appear to be protected...COVID-19
Convalescent plasma use, FDA revises EUA
United States // 07 February, 2021
Convalescent plasma has been granted an EUA as a treatment for COVID-19...COVID-19
Moderna vaccine appears effective against B.1.1.7 variant
07 February, 2021
Vaccine appears effective against variant B.1.1.7...COVID-19
Climate change may have contributed to the pandemic
06 February, 2021
Climate change may have played a role...COVID-19
Flu vaccine may prevent COVID symptoms in children
06 February, 2021
Children who had recent flu vaccines were less likely....COVID-19
Dog infected with COVID in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina // 05 February, 2021
A pet dog was diagnosed....COVID-19