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  • World Bank to support poor countries during pandemics

    21 May, 2016

    In its efforts to support and protect poor countries from pandemic threats, the World Bank Group has launched a Pandemic Emergency Financing . . .

    General Articles

  • WHO summary human infection H5N6

    China // 10 May, 2016

    The World Health Organization has been notified of an avian influenza H5N6 case from the Anhui province, China. This is the first reported case from the province of Anhui.

    Influenza H5N6, Bird flu other strains

  • More H5N1 in Karnataka

    India // 12 May, 2016

    Outbreak of H5N1 in Bidar district...

    Bird flu H5N1

  • Avian Influenza Report

    China // Hong Kong (China SAR) // 10 May, 2016

    In the latest Avian Influenza Report (reporting period 1 May – 7 May), The Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection reports no new human cases of avian influenza .

    Bird flu other strains, Bird flu H7N9, Bird flu H5N1, Influenza H5N6

  • WHO Flu update 4 May

    04 May, 2016

    The WHO in its latest update to 17 April, reported influenza activity continuing to decrease in the northern hemisphere.

    Seasonal Flu

  • H5N1 outbreaks in poultry

    Egypt // 09 May, 2016

    Two outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 were reported in Egypt

    Bird flu H5N1

  • WHO summary: Influenza human-animal interface

    China // Egypt // Hong Kong (China SAR) // 23 May, 2016

    From April 5 to May 9, The World Health Organization (WHO) has been notified of new human infections with avian influenza A(H5N6), A(H7N9) and A(H9N2) viruses. No new human cases of A(H5N1) were reported in this time frame.

    Bird flu H5N1, Bird flu other strains, Bird flu H7N9, Influenza H5N6, Influenza H9N2

  • Novel Influenza A Variant Minnesota

    United States // 13 May, 2016

    The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported a recently identified swine variant H1N2v case in Minnesota. The patient was initially hospitalized for the illness and has now fully recovered.

    Swine flu variants, Swine flu variants

  • MERS Cases 25 April to 1 May

    Saudi Arabia // 01 May, 2016

    The following cases have been reported by the Ministry of Health this week...


  • Influenza cases increasing

    Brazil // 19 May, 2016

    The flu season is underway, with the majority of cases due to the A(H1N1)pdm09 strain. As expected, some cases have been severe, and fatalities have been recorded...

    Seasonal Flu, Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 "swine flu"

  • WHO Flu update 16 May

    20 May, 2016

    The World Health Organization in its latest update reported a decrease in influenza activity in the Northern Hemisphere. Influenza B was predominant across the northern hemisphere and in some tropical areas.

    Seasonal Flu, Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 "swine flu", Influenza B

  • Study: Vaccination during pregnancy protects newborns against influenza

    03 May, 2016

    Pregnant women should receive a flu shot to help protect both them and their newborns...

    Seasonal Flu

  • H5N1 affects turkey farm in Missouri

    United States // 03 May, 2016

    U.S authorities have reported an outbreak of a mild avian flu, H5N1, on a turkey farm in Missouri. The flock of 39,000 birds has been culled, and movement restrictions are in place to prevent spread of the virus. All commercial flocks within a 10-kilometer radius of the farm have tested negative.
    H5N1 was found for the first time in a wild bird in Washington in January 2015. This outbreak, which was detected last month, is considered less contagious or deadly as the other highly pathogenic strains. There have never been any human cases in the U.S.

    Bird flu H5N1

  • Anhui reports another case of H5N6

    China // 03 May, 2016

    The rate of new H5N6 cases appears to be faster than in previous years.

    Influenza H5N6, Bird flu other strains

  • Human infection with H9N2 reported to FAO

    Egypt // 03 May, 2016

    Authorities in Egypt have reported a human case of avian influenza H9N2 in Minshat Nasir in mid-April 2016...

    Influenza H9N2, Bird flu other strains

  • WHO summary of H7N9 cases from February to March

    China // 03 May, 2016

    The latest WHO report summarises 17 human cases of H7N9 infection in China...

    Bird flu H7N9

  • More H5N1 seen in April

    Ghana // 17 May, 2016

    More H5N1 was reported in Ghana during April...

    Bird flu H5N1

  • H7N7 reported in Ferrara

    Italy // 17 May, 2016

    H7N7 has been reported again in Emilia-romagna

    Bird flu other strains, Influenza H7N7

  • WHO update on H7N9 human cases

    China // 17 May, 2016

    WHO provides more detail on 11 cases of H7N9 influenza

    Bird flu H7N9

  • WHO: Global influenza situation update

    Brazil // Egypt // Tunisia // Mali // Cote d'Ivoire // 16 May, 2016

    The flu season in the northern hemisphere is winding down. The majority of remaining activity is due to the influenza B virus...

    Seasonal Flu, Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 "swine flu", Influenza B