Search Results

  • WHO Updated Guidance for Communities on Masks and Home Care for COVID-19

    19 March, 2020

    The World Health Organization has updated its guidance for communities to manage COVID-19 ....

    General Articles, COVID-19

  • ECDC COVID-19 risk assessment updated

    10 August, 2020

    In this update, ECDC addresses the increased cases seen...


  • First COVID-19 case in Sint Maarten

    Sint Maarten // United Kingdom // United States // 20 March, 2020

    Imported case


  • COVID-19 in Czech Republic March

    Czech Republic // 30 March, 2020

    At least 2,817 cases; outbreak


  • Children and COVID-19 state data

    United States // 10 August, 2020

    According to a new report from the Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association states at least 338,000 children in the U.S. have been infected with COVID-19 since the pandemic began.


  • COVID-19 in India in March

    India // 29 March, 2020

    Additional cases of COVID-19 in many states, fatalities reported...


  • Over 70 COVID-19 cases in 11 regions

    France // 01 March, 2020

    The largest cluster is in L'Oise....


  • COVID-19 cases in South Korea - 2 to 8 March 2020

    South Korea // 08 March, 2020

    Over 4,800 COVID-19 cases, including 28 fatalities ...


  • Ebola updates 24 to 30 September

    Congo DRC // 01 October, 2018

    Updates from the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization (WHO) this week:


  • Ebola updates 17 to 23 September

    Congo DRC // 24 September, 2018

    Daily updates from the Ministry of Health.


  • Bird Flu in birds 19 to 25 February

    South Africa // Sweden // France // Cambodia // Taiwan (China) // 23 February, 2018

    Bird flu continues to be reported in the following countries...

    Influenza H5N8, Bird flu other strains, Influenza H5N6, Influenza H5N2, Bird flu H5N1, Influenza H10N7

  • National biodefense strategy

    United States // 18 September, 2018

    The United States has published a new biodefense strategy for the nation....

    General Articles

  • Operations in Beni affected by violence and days of mourning

    Congo DRC // 25 September, 2018


  • Weekly flu update

    United States // 09 February, 2018

    In the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Fluview publication, influenza activity continues to increase nationwide with influenza A(H3) being the strain most frequently identified.

    Seasonal Flu

  • Low uptake of seasonal influenza vaccine in Europe

    07 February, 2018

    According to the results of a joint WHO and ECDC influenza overview, seasonal influenza vaccination coverage among high-risk groups has reduced in a number of countries in the European Region over the past seven years.

    Seasonal Flu

  • MERS cases 12-18 February

    Saudi Arabia // 20 February, 2018

    MERS cases continue to be reported by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health...


  • WHO blueprint list of priority diseases

    13 February, 2018

    Since December 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) has maintained a “blueprint list of priority diseases.

    MERS-CoV, Zika

  • WHO MERS Summary

    Saudi Arabia // 20 February, 2018

    In their latest MERS update, the World Health Organization states that 25 cases were confirmed in Saudi Arabia in January. Eight of those people died. The infections include a hospital-related outbreak in a private hospital in the Hafr Albatin region.


  • WHO influenza update

    Canada // United States // United Kingdom // Algeria // Egypt // Morocco // Madagascar // Iraq // Israel // China // Hong Kong (China SAR) // North Korea // Jamaica // Haiti // Guatemala // Puerto Rico // Ecuador // Iran // Pakistan // Singapore // 06 February, 2018

    According to WHO's latest flu update dated 5 February, flu activity remained high in the temperate northern hemisphere...

    Seasonal Flu, Influenza B, SARS, Influenza H3N2, Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 "swine flu"

  • Bird flu in birds 25 February to 4 March

    Iraq // Vietnam // Taiwan (China) // Netherlands // Bulgaria // Saudi Arabia // South Africa // India // United Kingdom // Denmark // Congo DRC // Cambodia // 05 March, 2018

    Influenza H5N6, Bird flu other strains, Influenza H5N8, Bird flu H5N1, Influenza H5N2